Episode 7: Krista Ingrilli: Built STRONG

Former college tennis player, now avid Crossfitter, Krista Ingrilli, gets real with us about the mental and physical game surrounding competing! With "For the Glory of God Always" inscribed on her barbell, Krista seeks to lift and compete always for the Lord. She talks about being a STRONG woman, being proud of who you are, being kind to yourself, coming to peace with your body, and finding like-minded individuals to help you become the best version of yourself. So much good stuff - you won't want to miss this!

Know YOU ARE NOT ALONE, but we are in this with you! Reach out info@fierceathlete.org if you need any mentorship, prayers, or have any thoughts!


  • Physical Challenge: Find your mantra! Pick a statement to use to refocus you and remind you who you are when you are in the heat of competition and the mental and physical battle!

  • Spiritual Challenge: Subscribe to praymorenovenas.com!!!!

Samantha Kelley