Season 3: Ep 14: You are more than...What The Culture Says About Women

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Our culture has a certain definition about what it means to be a woman....and the athlete culture seems to have a different one. So what does it mean to be a woman? A MUST LISTEN! Sam and Britt speak into their own experiences of trying to discover true femininity and how they came to embrace who they really are as athletic women. Even more, they discuss the factors that have contributed to the culture's distorted views of both men and women; from sport being historically male dominant, to the feminist movement. However, we need to celebrate both men and women in their differences, and lift each other up.

You are feminine! You can be both a FIERCE and tender woman- go for it! Embrace who you are as a woman, athlete, mother, sister and friend.

"The level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood. The nobler the woman, the nobler the man’s love must be." The World's First Love by Fulton Sheen

Samantha Kelley