Season 3: Ep 2: You are more than...Your view of your body

You are more than your view of your body. As athletes our bodies come in all shapes and sizes, often times reflecting our sport: whether it be soccer thighs, swimming shoulders, or runners legs. However, our views of our bodies range from body hate to body pride, causing us to view our bodies as tools, or something we can manipulate. Britt and Sam talk about their own struggles with their view of their bodies, and how those views have been redeemed. 

We want to honor our bodies, in order to perform, not get caught up in how we look. We need to realize we are beautiful! We are made in the image and likeness of God! We are designed as athletic. So grab a friend, take a listen during a workout, and lets learn the true nature of our beauty. 

Body Scan

Start at the top of your head, and body part by body part go down to your toes, and with every body part ask yourself this question, "Do I like this part of my body?" Be honest- it can be tough. But don't stop there. Next but yourself in the Lords presence, and go body part by body part and ask him, "Jesus, do you love this part of my body?" (His answer is always yes!)

Mirror Exercise: "This Body, is loved, by God" Breathing exercise

How to Share:
Watch and Listen for the pattern of self critique in others. Compliment them on their beauty, turn the conversation to the positive, and invite them to do the Body Scan with you. 

Samantha Kelley