Season 2: Ep 4: The Female Fertility Cycle + Sport Performance

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"Ugh its that time of the month again" is our usual reaction to our periods, but what if coming to understand our fertility cycles as women can not only help us appreciate how our bodies were designed but also help us with our sport training and performance? 

Join host, Samantha Kelley, as she interviews fertility care specialist Marie DiCecco. Marie was a health education teacher for 35 years, coached college sports, and is a Fertility Care Practitioner teaching the Creighton Model. Her unique knowledge and wit provides us, the athlete, with insights into our menstrual cycles and how they relate to performance, how to track and know our fertility better, how to identify and treat potential problems, the truth about the Pill, and the reality and risks of the female athlete triad. If you are an athlete or know an athlete, you won't want to miss this episode. We guarantee you will be shocked at how cool the female body is, and how much we can learn from it and celebrate it!

Are you interested in learning more about YOUR specific cycle?
Contact Marie at 

As always if there is anything you have questions about or need please email us at

Samantha Kelley