Q. Which airport should I fly into?

A. The University of Mary is located in Bismarck, North Dakota - which has an airport. Therefore, if you’re planning on flying to Elite Camp, book your flight to Bismarck Airport. Our FIERCE Team will help to arrange transportation to and from the airport (to the University of Mary).

Q. Does the cost of the Elite Camp include my flight?

A. No, it does not. The cost of transportation (flight, driving) is separate from the cost of FIERCE Elite Camp.

Q. Are there opportunities to fundraise/support raise the cost of FIERCE Elite Camp

A. Yes, the FIERCE Team (Sam, Tracy, and Danae) can help and teach you how to support raise to cover the expenses of Elite Camp and those cost of travel as well. Please reach out to Tracy at tracy@fierce.org for more information.

Q. Will there be a chaplain available during FIERCE Elite Camp?

A. Yes, absolutely! Father Jared Wolfe, who is a Chaplain to the University of Mary & Marauders Athletics, will be with us throughout the week.

Q. Will I be able to work on my summer courses and work for school while attending FIERCE Elite Camp?

A. Yes, you will have free time every afternoon to take advantage done if you are taking any Spring or Summer term courses.

Q. My coaches have given me summer workouts, which are required to complete. Will I have an opportunity to do so?

A. Yes, absolutely. Athletes will have access to a weight room, fieldhouse, and athletic fields so to get mandatory workouts in. We will also have free time every afternoon which can be used to complete workouts as well. Or, athletes can also take naps during this “down time.” :)